Thursday, 25 July 2013

garden pt2

We're leaving our garden for a week so i wanted to take some photos of it at this stage,
so many butterflies

mange tout developing peas


with nasturtiums

sweet peas


courgettes are growing

lavender and bee

i can't remember the name but mum wants to attract more of these into our garden

growing t'maters
I also have some neglected carrots growing (we'll see how that works out...)
I can't take much credit for these plants, its all mums hard work and planning and i just like to eat it and take photos of it :)

Thursday, 11 July 2013

summer walk

i went on a lovely walk today and made a videoooo of it


and here are some pictures of bees in my garden

Monday, 8 July 2013

a visit

me and mum went back to dale for a day to see my very energetic cousins (Gabriella and Daniel) who are back in England for a few weeks
Gabriella's favourite phrase was "this is ridiculous!!" (re-DIC-ooh-lus)

Monday, 1 July 2013


Things we've planted 
so far

i'm making elderflower champagne with these

i love these babies
yummy things to munch on when im lazing around in the garden,
which is exactly what i did today