Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Friday, 25 October 2013

Flower Arranging

Getting the flowers ready for Beth and Pete's wedding
Practicing with Beth's beautiful camera


 Storing the flowers in the back room

Sunday, 6 October 2013

revising blurry things

looking back through my folders

 Hannah and Rachel searching for shells and Barney chasing sticks in the water

being blurry on a giant rock 

this wave crashed over Poppy about a second after this

Friday, 13 September 2013

summertime time

 leftovers from Dale, bright evening

we covered the frame of this mirror with shells we found on the beach beside Dale

out of focus home made sorbet, or was it a smoothie? summer colours

a summer lunch

found on a dog walk and honestly i just wanted to use up the film

a parade, people are turning the wheels like hamster wheels

looking out at the festival, watching the clouds move around and listening to funny soul wedding-y singer here
One night Vanessa and I found a little tent and watched a group of friends improvise for an hour in the middle of the night, switching instruments with each other and not really concealing their annoyance with each other and two outspoken members of the audience. nice nice nice
Summer is probably officially over and now i have decisions to make aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah exciting and scary

Friday, 23 August 2013

Down and Up France

ah, i'll just show it now

Belated France

mostly stills from filming we did that week

 loooooovely warm winds

morning storm

a lot of this went on

A film to come: I've actually finished it but am just sort of waiting for some great inspiration to appear from  somewhere because it isn't exactly what i hoped it would be
Overall, a nice week. we've still got some things to learn

Thursday, 25 July 2013

garden pt2

We're leaving our garden for a week so i wanted to take some photos of it at this stage,
so many butterflies

mange tout developing peas


with nasturtiums

sweet peas


courgettes are growing

lavender and bee

i can't remember the name but mum wants to attract more of these into our garden

growing t'maters
I also have some neglected carrots growing (we'll see how that works out...)
I can't take much credit for these plants, its all mums hard work and planning and i just like to eat it and take photos of it :)

Thursday, 11 July 2013

summer walk

i went on a lovely walk today and made a videoooo of it


and here are some pictures of bees in my garden

Monday, 8 July 2013

a visit

me and mum went back to dale for a day to see my very energetic cousins (Gabriella and Daniel) who are back in England for a few weeks
Gabriella's favourite phrase was "this is ridiculous!!" (re-DIC-ooh-lus)