Friday, 13 September 2013

summertime time

 leftovers from Dale, bright evening

we covered the frame of this mirror with shells we found on the beach beside Dale

out of focus home made sorbet, or was it a smoothie? summer colours

a summer lunch

found on a dog walk and honestly i just wanted to use up the film

a parade, people are turning the wheels like hamster wheels

looking out at the festival, watching the clouds move around and listening to funny soul wedding-y singer here
One night Vanessa and I found a little tent and watched a group of friends improvise for an hour in the middle of the night, switching instruments with each other and not really concealing their annoyance with each other and two outspoken members of the audience. nice nice nice
Summer is probably officially over and now i have decisions to make aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah exciting and scary

1 comment:

  1. the parade with the giant wheels is magical and i bet it was such a sight to see :)
